Houston Equine Photographer | Nev the Irish Sport horse

Houston Equine Photographer | Nev the Irish Sport horse

Nev, Flagmounts Nirvana, is a Irish Sport Horse. Her sire is Flagmounts Freedom. Nev resides at Red Shadow Ranch with her owner Amy in Houston, Texas.

Houston Equine Photographer | Karinda K Texas Equine Photography | equine.karindak.com

Nev is a very spicy mare. Amy shares that she has tried to kill her self many times and is always getting into trouble. She clearly needs to be in bubble wrap. (I think all of us a horse owners can admit to feeling that way a time or two about certain horses.) I am really convinced that all horses need bubble wrap, it really does need to be a thing to keep them from getting into trouble. When I first met my husband I always tried to tell him how horses could be in a padded stall and still get hurt, I think after all of these years he finally believes me.

Nev is currently doing some low level dressage and she loves to trail ride in the western saddle – it really relaxes her. She is a very forward horse and she always feels effortless.

Amy has had Nev since she was 2 1/2 years old. She was boarding at a barn and Nev was a pasture horse whose owners decided they did not want her any more. She was already used to my mares from living at the barn together, especially Priya so I kept her.

Irish Sport horses are known for their jumping abilities. Amy has never jumped Nev, but one day she got loose on the lunge line before we had gates on the arena and Amy really found out how good of jumpers they can be. Nev ran out of the arena and jumped a four foot fence to get into the pasture.

Amy’s favorite thing about having her own farm is being able to wake up with all of her horses right there!

 Houston Equine Photographer | Karinda K Texas Equine Photography | equine.karindak.com

Karinda K Equine Photography is a Houston equine photographer located in Montgomery, TX. Karinda creates timeless portraits of you with your beloved horses, and other farm animals. Serving locally Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin, Texas communities. KEP also serves Wellington and Ocala, Florida, Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky, Aiken, South Carolina, Tryon, North Carolina, and Norco and Woodside, California and their surrounding communities.

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the equestrian's



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