365 Days of Horses | Freya | Friesian Shire Cross


Freya, Freys Di, is a Friesian/Shire cross. Her sire is Friso, her dam is Sabrina who was a Shire. She lives at Red Shadow Ranch.

Houston Equine Portrait Photographer

Freya, is a tall lady. She is better known as “the white elephant” by so many. She is defiantly the boss of the barn, and is very confident inn her personality. For being such a big girl, she is actually quite light on her feet. The pair is currently schooling 2nd level dressage.

Amy, Freya’s owner, had always wanted a Freisian, and when she saw the picture of this gorgeous white girl she instantly fell in love. She purchased her in 2009 when she was just 1 year old, and has had her ever since. When she first met her in person she said she was “awestruck” by this magnificent horse. Amy says “She is always making me laugh! She is an expert at letting herself out of her stall and does not go anywhere but picks on the other horses!”

Amy shares that the best kept secret to keep Freya white is green spot remover to help remove dirty spots in a jiffy.

Amy’s favorite thing about owning horses of so many different breeds and ages is getting to watch them grow into beautiful and magnificent creatures.

She is always making me laugh! She is an expert at letting herself out of her stall and does not go anywhere but picks on the other horses!

Houston Equine Portrait Photographer

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Karinda K.

the equestrian's


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