Rocker Cruiser | Irish Sport Horse | Lafayette, Louisiana


Rocket, Rocket Cruiser, is a 19 year old Irish Sport Horse gelding. His sire is Cruising and his dam is Abel’s Luck. Rocket was bred by Karen Cobb at Woodland Hills Equestrian Center. Rocket is owned by Brooke Miller and is ridden/leased by Amelie Maraist.

Rocket has a beautiful a black coat with a star on his face. He has left front and right hind socks on his legs. Rocket also has a right front pastern as well. One thing that sets Rocket apart from others is that Rocket can definitely have a laid back demeanor. Rocket’s rider says that he can be so sweet, but will always take a good nap when given the chance.

Amelie, the proud rider of Rocket, started leasing him this past September from her trainer Brooke Miller. Amelie does not remember the first time she met Rocket, but she always remembers seeing him around the barn and being amazed by him. When Amelie was five, she would see the older kids riding Rocket and she would admire the big jumps they soared over with Rocket. Even back then, Amelie remembers that Rocket had some sass to him, and she can definitely attest that is still the case today.

Rocket is a big fan of numerous treats. However, Rocket can not get enough German Muffins. As soon as Rocket sees these delicious treats coming he can’t help but get excited and jump for joy. Rocket thinks that he never has enough, so he is always looking for more once he runs out.
Amelie, Rockets rider, has been riding for about nine years. She has been showing on the A-circuit for about three years now, and she couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Amelie started leasing her first pony in November of 2021, and before that she did amazing horse lessons which her barn provided. Amelie shares that she has never owned a horse, but she loves leasing and the bond she creates with her horse is so special.

Amelie has so many wonderful memories with Rocket, one of them being at the pair’s second outing they were both champions in the younger children’s division, and the winners of the combined children’s classic winner out of 19 at the Great Southwest Eq Center. Amelie shares that “this was definitely a memorable weekend as it was the start of such an amazing partnership.” However, Amelie’s top memory with Rocket is when she was still doing pony lessons. Amelie’s trainer would always joke around that Rocket would be her first horse but Amelie never believed her as she thought he was too advanced for a ride. Amelie shares that “low and behold, I rode him for a few lessons before my lease on my old pony ended and we instantly clicked. His steady rhythm and smooth jump made me fall in love and while he might be older, he still loves to jump. In just the past few months, we have moved up to the Children’s Hunters and are trying to qualify for WIHS, currently in the ranks! Every time I ride him I get wowed with how my trainer used to show him in the 1.20’s and 30’s 10 years ago. The way he is well aged and still puts his heart into the sport is so memorable.”

Brooke Miller Equestrian Instagram | Facebook

Karinda K. is a Houston, TX based equine photographer that travels around the United States photographing equestrians and their horses. Karinda specializes in Outdoor Horse & Rider Portrait sessions that bring to life the magical relationship equestrians share with their horses, Senior Portraits, and Fine Art Black & White Background Portraits for those that want a piece of art featuring their very own animals. 

Interested in Reserving a Portrait session? Schedule an Info Call Here

Portraits for Charity was an idea Karinda dreamt up to help give back to families impacted by Childhood Cancer in memory of her husband’s sister Jessica. With the help of the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show family, Karinda has raised over $30,000 for Candlelighter’s Houston since starting this project. 

The Waiting List for Pin Oak 2025 is now open, click here to join. 

If you are interested in having Karinda attend your event and host a Portraits for Charity day, send an email to equine@karindak(.)com.

Need to Contact Karinda? Email us at equine@karinda(.)com or call us at (8 3 2) 598-8715

Information shared in this blog is based on information collected at the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show, if for any reason this information is incorrect and you would like your horse’s blog post updated, please notify us via email.

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Karinda K.

the equestrian's



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