Lucky, Lucky Punch 13, is a Hanoverian Gelding. His sire is Periguex and his dam is Shirley Sue. Lucky is owned by Laura Kattner and trains at Storybrook Farms with Gianna Aycock.

Lucky is a beautiful Grey Hanoverian Gelding that stands at 16.3 Hands. Lucky also has a Hanoverian Brand with “35” underneath him. Lucky is definitely one of the barn favorites where he resides because of his huge personality and the fact that he tends to wear his emotions on his sleeve. Lucky will gladly show his emotions to the world inside the arena and out. Lucky also shows his personality when his owner is tacking him up. Lucky initiates his own stretching routine right before getting tacked up. As soon as Lucky sees the saddle pad, he bows down and takes several huge stretches to limber up for the amazing ride he and his owner will share. Lucky is truly one of a kind horse, and loves to nicker when he sees his wonderful owner coming.
Laura, the proud owner of Lucky explains that the story of finding Lucky began even before he was born. Laura rode as a junior before she went to University where she played Polo and continued with that career. After a 10+ year hiatus, a fight with cancer, and the birth of her son Auggie, she reached out to a friend to ask if she knew anyone in her area who she would trust. It turned out that she was less than 30 minutes away, and within a week Laura had jumped headfirst back into the Hunter/Jumper world again. Laura’s second time riding as an Adult Amateur, Laura’s trainer asked her if she had a preference towards Hunters, or Jumpers. Laura knew deep down that the answer was Jumpers! The barn put Laura on a Jumper that she had acquired a few months prior (Lucky), and it was like two pieces of a puzzle fitting together explains Laura. Laura says, “I wouldn’t have been surprised if the clouds had opened up and a rainbow had shone down on us. I started riding him 5 days a week and quickly boosted my confidence and accelerated my return back into the sport.” The day that Laura met Lucky was in November of 2023, and Laura says that “he is 100% my heart horse.” Laura leased Lucky and took him to a few shows early on the circuit. Laura quickly decided Lucky was a perfect fit, and Laura officially purchased Lucky around Valentine’s Day 2024. Laura explains that “riding Lucky, has brought back a part of me that I thought may have been lost for good. I have passion, joy, purpose, and most importantly, my own identity outside of being a mother. Lucky has gotten me through some hard times, and I cannot wait to see what is next for us as a team.”
When it comes to treats, Lucky will do anything for the soft peppermints. Once he hears the rustling of the plastic, he is locked in and ready for his treats. Lucky also LOVES sharing snacks with his friend Skip (Ragtime), and has sampled many different things such as: Peeps, Twizzlers, Cucumbers, Bananas, Watermelon, Sour Patch Kids. But his absolute FAVORITE treat is the molasses flavored “Lik-it” insert that hangs in his stall. He can polish it off in less than 45 minutes if he is determined enough!
Laura has been riding since she was 6 years old, which makes her an equestrian of 30 years! Laura started at a riding academy outside of Toronto, Ontario in Canada, and then when she moved to Texas, she rode all throughout grade school and then played Polo at Texas Tech University. She has owned several incredible horses through the years, each one having their own special place in her heart. When Laura took a break to treat her injuries, she knew there was a large piece of her life missing. She put in the work to get back to a place where she could start riding again, and since that day in November 2023 she hasn’t looked back once! Laura shares that her favorite thing about owning horses is unconditional love and understanding. Laura explains that “these beautiful animals give us their all and really don’t ask for much in return other than a soft hand and maybe a few peppermints. They are extremely in tune with our emotions and can turn a bad day on its head with a nuzzle or a hug. It is such a special bond that we are truly honored to get to experience.”
Laura has so many memories with Lucky, but her favorite one is the time they competed together for the first time in the jumper ring. Lucky is a Jumper through and through, but Laura needed some time in the saddle to get back up to speed after a 10+ year hiatus after a Polo accident. Once Lucky realized they were in a jumper round, Laura could feel the joy and excitement Lucky had for his sport. Laura explains that “I have never ridden any horse who can compare to Lucky and the amount of heart and soul he puts into every single jump; whether its at home schooling, at a schooling show, or at an AA show. He lives for this sport, and also takes VERY good care to make sure that I am always following in stride with him.”
StoryBook Sport Horses Website
Karinda K. is a Houston, TX based equine photographer that travels around the United States photographing equestrians and their horses. Karinda specializes in Outdoor Horse & Rider Portrait sessions that bring to life the magical relationship equestrians share with their horses, Senior Portraits, and Fine Art Black & White Background Portraits for those that want a piece of art featuring their very own animals.
Interested in Reserving a Portrait session? Schedule an Info Call Here.
Portraits for Charity was an idea Karinda dreamt up to help give back to families impacted by Childhood Cancer in memory of her husband’s sister Jessica. With the help of the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show family, Karinda has raised over $30,000 for Candlelighter’s Houston since starting this project.
The Waiting List for Pin Oak 2025 is now open, click here to join.
If you are interested in having Karinda attend your event and host a Portraits for Charity day, send an email to equine@karindak(.)com.
Need to Contact Karinda? Email us at equine@karinda(.)com or call us at (8 3 2) 598-8715
Information shared in this blog is based on information collected at the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show, if for any reason this information is incorrect and you would like your horse’s blog post updated, please notify us via email.