Meet Last Man, “Kash”, a 12-year-old Hanoverian bay gelding with a small white star on the center of his face. Kash is ridden and leased by Elisabeth who trains at Memorial Park Hunters in Houston, TX. Kash is from October Hill Farm in Hudson Oaks, TX.
Elisabeth shares the story of when she went to try Kash, along with a few other horses, in Kentucky. “I went needing an equitation finals horse. After trying a bunch that summer with no luck, I was really happy to find Kash. We jumped around and he was SO much fun. When I first got Kash I wasn’t expecting a sweet, warm, or cuddly personality. He was kind of standoffish and wouldn’t directly ask me for pets or any kind of affection. However, after a few months of riding him, he just suddenly put his head in my arms and that was that— he turned into a horse who loves scratches and nose boops and ear scratches. He can’t stand to be alone. I’ll be hacking in an outdoor ring by myself and he won’t stop neighing for friends and he gets all jumpy. He also loves our barn goat, Frank…if I could I would get him a little companion.”
Kash loves a good carrot and although Elisabeth hasn’t been able to experiment much with what he likes, he’s definitely a fan of treats so far.
“My dad loves horses and asked one of his friends where a 6-year-old girl could take riding lessons. He had no idea what he was in for, and 12 years later, here we are. My favorite thing about owning horses is getting to know their personalities and bonding with them.”, says Elisabeth.