Igor Belder’s Hoeve | Marlac Farm Magnolia,TX

Igor Belder’s Hoeve is known as Igor for short around the Barn. Most horses have a fancy show name, and a shorter name that they go by in the barn. Their shorter name is known as their “barn name” and often times you will see this name in “quotes” next to their show name. Igor is owned and ridden by Addie and they ride at Marlac Farm in Magnolia, TX. Igor is some type of Warmblood, but they are not exactly sure what type he is.

This handsome bay horse has a small star on his face. When we took Igor’s portraits at the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show, Addie had only owned him for a little over a month so although they haven’t shared too many memories together Addie is super excited for their future in the show ring. Addie shares, “one thing that happened that made me really excited about our future is when we were doing this exercise, and since he is still on a bit on the younger side a few things are still new to him. But when we were doing the exercise it started off as just poles on the ground and you could tell he did not really know what to do with them just on the ground but with a little reassurance he was fine then the poles went to jumps and he knew exactly what to do. The reason I chose this is because even though he didn’t know exactly what to do he still tried his hardest, learned, and we got through it!”

“Igor is such a cool horse, and he always tries his hardest when he is working. Sometimes when he gets really excited he will end up jumping three feet over the actual jump.” Addie says that even though he is younger, he is very forgiving and always tries his hardest even when he isn’t sure what to do. Every time she arrives at the barn, he is always excited to greet her and put a smile on his face. He is incredibly happy on the ground, and has a bit of a puppy dog personality.

The cool thing about horses is that they are always giving it their all, and ask for nothing in return. It sounds like Igor is the perfect representation of this. He tries he heart out, jumps to the moon (or at least tries to), and loves Addie unconditionally. I think there is something to learn from our horses and the way that they try so hard each and every time we ride. The courage they show jumping giant jumps in the show ring, with us on their back is truly magical.

Addie fell in love with Igor when she was in Florida showing, they were looking for a new horse and when she came across Igor she knew he was the one. This enthusiastic horse loves to eat just about any treat or food that is offered to him.

Addie started riding horses when she was 7. She went on a wagon train when she was little where she rode from campsite to campsite on a horse or wagon, and this is where her love of horses really began. She also shares that her favorite thing about being able to own horses is when she gets stressed from school or anything she can go to the barn and ride it and everything just melts away.

At the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show horses come from all over the country to compete in Jumping Competitions, the horses jump from small 2 foot jumps all of the way up to 5 foot tall jumps. The Guinness World Record for the highest jump by a horse was set by Captain Alberto Larraguibel and ‘Huaso’ in Chile, 1949. The pair jumped 2.47 metres which is 8 feet 1.25 inches.

Karinda K. is a Houston, TX based equine photographer that travels around the United States photographing equestrians and their horses. Karinda specializes in Outdoor Horse & Rider Portrait sessions that bring to life the magical relationship equestrians share with their horses, Senior Portraits, and Fine Art Black & White Background Portraits for those that want a piece of art featuring their very own animals. Karinda accepts a limited number of private clients each year, if you are interested in having her photograph you and your horse or an equestrian in your life, you can reach the studio by sending an email to equine@karinda(.)com or calling (832)598-8715.

Portraits for Charity was an idea Karinda dreamt up to help give back to families impacted by Childhood Cancer in memory of her husband’s sister Jessica. During the 2021 Pin Oak Charity Horse Show Karinda photographed around 140 Horses, Dogs, and even Goats, and was able to donate $10,000 to Candlelighter’s Houston. These are the stories of the Horses, Dogs, and Goats that were photographed at the show, these stories complement a photographic book that Karinda is printing and donating to Texas Children’s Hospital featuring Portraits of each and every animal she photographed.

The Waiting List for Pin Oak 2022 is now open, click here to join: https://equine.karindak.com/pin-oak-2022-wait-list

If you are interested in having Karinda attend your event and host a Portraits for Charity day, send an email to equine@karindak(.)com.

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Karinda K.

the equestrian's


[email protected]

Phone: (832)598-8715



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