Lucie, En Pointe, is a Dutch Warmblood Mare. Her sire is Doha-MS who is from Berlin. Her dam is Une Prix Utile who is by Oscar. Lucie lives and trains at Esoteric Farm.

Lucie is a bay-colored horse with a distinctive white star on her forehead and pasterns on all four legs with ermines. She has a unique personality that sets her apart from other horses. Lucie has a voracious appetite and will eat anything, and she loves meeting new people. Her sociable nature makes her a delight to be around, and she always aims to please her human companions. However, her friendly nature can sometimes get her into trouble as she often gets roughed up by her equine friends in the field.
Lucie’s endearing and silly demeanor makes her a joy to be around. She often cranes her neck or tilts her head to the side when offered a treat, and she loves to lean her head on people’s shoulders. This behavior is particularly charming with new people, as she seems to enjoy smelling them. Despite being initially averse to hugs, Lucie has become quite the cuddle bug, wrapping her head around her owner when they’re standing near her.
Hadley found her beloved horse, Lucie, shortly after moving to her current barn in May 2022. After leasing a pony for three months, she decided to buy a horse with the help of her trainer. In June of that year, her trainer found Lucie and brought her to the barn for a week. From the moment Hadley rode her for the first time, she knew Lucie was the perfect match for her. On that first day, Hadley arrived early and went to meet Lucie, who was anxious and running around the field. Despite this, Lucie calmed down and walked over to Hadley, creating a magical moment between the two. Hadley was captivated by Lucie’s beauty and sweet nature and knew she had found her perfect horse.
Lucie has a voracious appetite and will eat anything that comes her way. Her favorite treat, however, seems to be a mystery as she enjoys pretty much anything that’s offered to her, even things she shouldn’t have. Hadley recalls one funny incident when her trainer was standing near Lucie, eating a granola bar. Without hesitation, Lucie reached over the trainer’s shoulder and took a bite out of it, much to the amusement of her owner. While her behavior may not always be the most well-mannered, Lucie’s love for treats and her comical antics never cease to bring a smile to those around her.
Lucie has had some impressive accomplishments in her equestrian career. Recently, at the Pin Oak show, she achieved an incredible score of 80 in the THJA mini medal, which is a testament to her hard work and dedication. Lucie’s skills were further put to the test when she was called back for the work off, where she demonstrated her impressive abilities once again and earned a well-deserved 4th place. These achievements were particularly noteworthy as it was Lucie’s first time competing at Pin Oak and her first time competing in that particular class. Hadley was over the moon with pride and happiness, knowing that Lucie’s accomplishments were a testament to her natural talent and the bond they share.
Hadley’s love for horses and riding started at Rio Vista Farm in 2020 when she attended a camp with one of her best friends. Being in the midst of a pandemic, she found herself with a lot of free time and decided to try something new. She quickly fell in love with the experience of being around horses and riding, something she had always wanted to try since she was a little girl. After several weeks of camp, Hadley began taking lessons and continued riding at Rio Vista Farm for about two years. When she was ready to lease or buy a horse, she decided to move to Esoteric Farm with Kersten Levine, where she leased a horse for three months before ultimately purchasing her beloved mare, Lucie. Horses have become a source of joy and happiness for Hadley, providing her with an outlet to relieve stress and feel at ease after a tough day. She will celebrate three years of riding in June, and as a freshman at Westlake High School in Austin, Texas, she looks forward to many more years of equestrian pursuits.
Hadley’s favorite memory with Lucie was at their first big show together, Monster Mash. Despite being a bit nervous, Lucie behaved exceptionally well and didn’t even spook at all the Halloween decorations. They participated in short/long stirrup classes and won every flat class they did, taking home 13 ribbons in total. Hadley was filled with pride and happiness during the entire show and realized just how beautiful and special her horse truly was.
Esoteric Farm Website | Instagram | Facebook

Karinda K. is a Houston, TX based equine photographer that travels around the United States photographing equestrians and their horses. Karinda specializes in Outdoor Horse & Rider Portrait sessions that bring to life the magical relationship equestrians share with their horses, Senior Portraits, and Fine Art Black & White Background Portraits for those that want a piece of art featuring their very own animals.
Interested in Reserving a Portrait session? Schedule an Info Call Here.
Portraits for Charity was an idea Karinda dreamt up to help give back to families impacted by Childhood Cancer in memory of her husband’s sister Jessica. During the 2023 Pin Oak Charity Horse Show Karinda photographed around 150 Horses and Dogs and was able to donate just under $15,000 to Candlelighter’s Houston.
The Waiting List for Pin Oak 2024 is now open, click here to join.
If you are interested in having Karinda attend your event and host a Portraits for Charity day, send an email to equine@karindak(.)com.
Need to Contact Karinda? Email us at equine@karinda(.)com or call us at (8 3 2) 598-8715