Meet Cora ETF, “Leia”, an 8-year-old German Oldenburg Verband bay mare with white. Leia is owned and ridden by Simone who keeps her horses on her property in Aubrey, TX, and trailers them in for lessons to Victory Farm with Renee Albrecq.
Simone shares that Leia’s breeder is the one who gave her her barn name, “Leia”. She did this because she was born on May 4th. She shares that “she was also the little princess the breeder was hoping for, therefore the Star Wars name Princess Leia. Shortly after her birth, Leia’s mom passed and Leia was raised as an orphan filly. We believe that she was pampered a lot during that time and her princess sassiness started running its course.” Simone continues, “Leia had a late start and wasn’t started under saddle until she turned 5. Therefore, she was labeled as spooky and marish by her first trainer. She came to our old barn as a project horse and future sales prospect. I fell in love with her kind eyes and personality the moment I met her. One month later she was ours and we love our pretty sassy-a-frass. She is still working on overcoming some of the missed training and coping skills, but is growing every day in confidence that she can be a problem solver on her own.”
Leia has now become best friends with my 22-year-old Broodmare. The two of them enjoy grazing in their 8-acre pasture. Leia loves apples and Chick-fil-A peppermints. She also loves Mrs. Pasture treats and German Horse Cookies. She, however, does not like carrots…whatsoever.
“I grew up in Germany and have been riding since I was 6 years old. I rode dressage and had an Oldenburger horse of my own, which is my heart horse until today. I have always dreamt of having my own horses here in the US. Several years ago, we bought a small farm and now own 7 horses and 2 donkeys of our own.”, shares Simone.