Elton the Peek-a-Pom | White Background Pomeranian Portraits | Houston, TX

Meet Elton, the 8-year-old Peek-a-Pom. Elton is a tiny, yet “mighty”, Pom with the prettiest apricot and white coloring. You may have read about his sister, Glitter, who is a Party Pom that has black and white coloring, along with a few other of their four-legged siblings. Elton is loved and oh-so adored by Leanne Hinners.

Leanne got Elton from a pet store. She shared that when they went to ask about what dogs they had, they said they had a Peek-a-Pom but it was in the back because he was sick. Leanne thought to herself, “I don’t really like Pomeranians but maybe.” After they brought him out the rest was history. “He was the cutest little dirty snowball and we had to take him home!”

After a few months of medicine, he was back to healthy. When Elton was a little puppy, he was still getting used to having a big dog brother, Rocky who is Harry’s rescued German Shepherd. One day, Rocky had a peanut butter bone and Elton wanted some too. Rocky did not want to share and scared Elton off when he got close. Elton ran away crying and scampered under the bed to hide. We finally coaxed him out of his hole and noticed he had a little brown smudge on his forehead, peanut butter! It was henceforth known as the “Peanut Butter Head” incident and was a foretelling of the little drama king Elton would become.”

Elton is a sweet and dramatic boy. He is not afraid to jump into a lap without an invitation, growl if you accidentally touch him while he is sleeping, and makes his presence known by howling whenever we get home. He fits into the family perfectly!

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Karinda K.

the equestrian's


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