Out in Austin, TX at Madrone Stables is where you will find a loving 6-year-old Holsteiner, Folklore, most commonly known as “Archie” around the barn. Archie is owned and ridden by Amber, and here at Madrone Stables is where the pair trains with Rachel Lindsey.

Archie is a big dark grey bred by Silke Zuba at Holsteiner-Zuba in Wesselburen, Germany. Archie’s sire is Colman, and his dam – is out of Casall, who is known as the Holsteiner breed’s poster boy. Archie’s sire, his dad, Colman was in the Atlanta and Sidney Olympics! He was a dark grey as well and that is where Archie got his coloring from. Just like you can get traits from your parents like blue eyes, a certain hair color, or freckles, horses are similar.
We asked Amber to share with us her favorite memory with Archie, and although she’s only had him for a year she shared with us that in that short amount of time she has seen him change and grow so incredibly much. Amber shared, “He loves to be in the ring and he really likes that we are now doing the 3 foot, three classes.” A 6-year-old is fairly young to be bopping around on, remember she’s had him for a year so he was 5 which is young for horses in the Equestrian world. But Amber says that Archie doesn’t act like a 6-year-old. If she could describe him in one word it would be “chill”. Amber shared, “He is so laid back… when he was vetted, Dr. Stone said he was the first horse he had ever seen that gained weight on his flight over from Europe.” Have you ever thought about how horses get to the United States from other countries? Well, they fly! In big gigantic airplanes with stalls so they are nice and comfortable. They have water and hay so they have a snack to keep them calm while traveling. Most horses can either get nervous, just like people, or just aren’t great travelers and especially don’t eat while traveling and lose a lot of weight during this time. It is very common that even during busy horse show seasons traveling back and forth on the horse trailers that horses will lose some weight. It is our job to make sure they have extra hay at the show and at home so they are able to stay healthy and fit by keeping their weight on.

Amber shared that one of her favorite things about Archie and something that makes him so unique, especially considering his age, it’s the first horse Amber has had that requires no serious prep. “He has made it possible for me to be able to ride him at shows even though sometimes I am working 60 hours a week.”, said Amber.
Sometimes when we women see something we want, we go for it! If we love it and have to have it, especially a beautiful pony, you better believe that somehow, someway we will do our darndest to get that pony!! It was similar for Amber when she first laid eyes on Archie…the rest was history. Amber shares, “I had been looking for a green horse for about a year, being 5’10” there aren’t a lot of horses that fit me. Last September, I watched Scott Lenkart of Southaven Farms ride him in his first US show and it was love at first sight. Rachel and I went to the DFW area and tried him the next week. He was mine 2 weeks later.”Archie loves peppermints, but you have to watch out because he starts drooling pink!
Amber has been riding since elementary school. Like many little girls, she kept begging her parents to take riding lessons. She first started at a dressage barn, but after watching every episode of Saddle Club, she knew she wanted to jump! It wasn’t until middle school that Amber started getting serious in her riding career. She moved to Memorial Park Hunter with Patty Roberts and rode in the junior and big Equitation classes with Patty. Amber also dabbled in the jumpers. When she started college at the University of Texas and moved to Austin, she made the move to Madrone Stables and focused on hunters. Amber shared with us that especially during her time at college horses are what relaxed and centered her. They are the thing that got her through her hardest finals and times in college. They are and will always be the best support.
Did you know that horses are among the youngest Olympic athletes at the Games. There’s a rule requiring competing horses to be at least 9-years-old. This ensures the horses have plenty of time to mature before competing, and many of the competing horses will be well into their teens

Karinda K. is a Houston, TX based equine photographer that travels around the United States photographing equestrians and their horses. Karinda specializes in Outdoor Horse & Rider Portrait sessions that bring to life the magical relationship equestrians share with their horses, Senior Portraits, and Fine Art Black & White Background Portraits for those that want a piece of art featuring their very own animals. Karinda accepts a limited number of private clients each year, if you are interested in having her photograph you and your horse or an equestrian in your life, you can reach the studio by sending an email to equine@karinda(.)com or calling (832)598-8715.
Portraits for Charity was an idea Karinda dreamt up to help give back to families impacted by Childhood Cancer in memory of her husband’s sister Jessica. During the 2021 Pin Oak Charity Horse Show Karinda photographed around 140 Horses, Dogs, and even Goats, and was able to donate $10,000 to Candlelighter’s Houston. These are the stories of the Horses, Dogs, and Goats that were photographed at the show, these stories complement a photographic book that Karinda is printing and donating to Texas Children’s Hospital featuring Portraits of each and every animal she photographed.
The Waiting List for Pin Oak 2022 is now open, click here to join: https://equine.karindak.com/pin-oak-2022-wait-list
If you are interested in having Karinda attend your event and host a Portraits for Charity day, send an email to equine@karindak(.)com.