Caboose is a small Quarter Horse Chestnut standing 14.3 hands that lives in Magnolia, TX, with his loving owner and rider Ginger Rathert.
When Ginger found Caboose – the horse that walked, trotted, and lopped at the same slow speed – she thought to herself…not only did she hit the jackpot, but this horse had been the answer to her prayers! Caboose is small and red and in any heard would always come last, just like “The Little Red Caboose in the Little Golden Book” that Ginger had as a child. For years the pair enjoyed each other as they rode together with no particular place to go and in no hurry to get there. When it was discovered that Caboose has “kissing vertebrae” and that he was in enormous pain from the weight of a saddle and rider, Ginger immediately retired him in August of 2019. “He will have a place here in the barn for as long as he lives, and a place in my heart for as long as I live.”